Publishing Design's Final Project

22/10/2019 - 19/11/2019
(Week 09 - Week 13)
Fong Ee Xuan (0332842)
Publishing Design
Final Project




Week 09 - Week 13

(22/10/2019 - 19/11/2019)

In this project, we were told to convert our book layout to an e-book and the size were iPad Retina Screen (2048 x 1536 pixels) and the layout have to be similar as our actual book. Not only that, we have to animate our visuals from small movement too big. 

Figure 1.0: Process of creating animation in Adobe Illustration

Figure 1.1: Creating animation frame in Adobe Photoshop

Figure 1.2: making animation on Adobe After Effect

Figure 1.3: exporting into GIF in Adobe Photoshop
Figure 1.0: My first attempt of book cover GIF

Figure 1.1: My first attempt for the New York GIF

Figure 2.0: Book cover

Figure 2.1: Antelope Canyon GIF

Figure 2.2: Golden Gate Bridge GIF

Figure 2.3: Grand Canyon GIF

Figure 2.4: Ice Cream GIF

Figure 2.5: IN-N-OUT GIF

Figure 2.6: Niagara Fall GIF

Figure 2.7: New York GIF

Figure 2.8: Beach GIF

Figure 2.9: Thinking GIF

Figure 2.10: Time GIF

Figure 2.11: Horseshoe Bend GIF

After I done with my animation, I started designing the layout and navigation buttons for my ebook. 

Figure 3.0: Process of creating e-book

Figure 3.1: Process of creating e-book

Figure 3.2: Creating the navigation for my ebook

Figure 3.3: My Navigation 

Figure 3.4: Creating rollovers and buttons for the content pages


5 Best pages + Cover:
Figure 4.0 Cover

Figure 4.1 Pages 1

Figure 4.2 Pages 2

Figure 4.3 Pages 3

Figure 4.4 Pages 4

Figure 4.5 Pages 5

Thumbnails of the Final Ebook:

Published Online:


Week 09


I showed my final book cover to Mr Vinod once again and he think it is ok for now and he said he wanted the book by next class. Not only that, i showed Mr Vinod my ebook layout and he gave some comments about it. He think my font are too small for the ipad retina size. Other that that, my layout are similar to my real book so it is okay.

Week 10


For our general feedback, Mr Vinod told us that graphic designer should be good in animation such as slightly move. For my specific feedback, Mr Vinod asked me to included the page number for my ebook and he gave some suggest for my animation. Besides that, I showed Mr Vinod some of my animation and he think it is okay.

Week 11


The feedback for my book overall are okay but there are some comments that Mr Vinod gave which he thiink that i could change the typefaces for the book content into "light" because the typefaces that i used are a bit too strong. Besides that, Mr Vinod suggested me to add a page of colour at the page after my book cover. Not only that, Mr Vinod also gave me some comments about my e-book. He told me to see my layout for the imprint and content page because it is different from others. He also told me to make my visual bigger to make it more attractive. Besides that, Mr Vinod told me that he like the idea of connecting my visuals in different page, he think it is interesting.

Week 12


For our general feedback, Mr Vinod ask us to finish everything by next week. For my ebook, Mr Vniod told me to change my animation for the book cover because it is quite werid when the cloud going up and down. Not only that, Mr Vinod asked me to add more animation for my ebook and the movement of the book should be faster. Besides that, Mr Vinods suggested that the navigation can put on right top instead of the bottom. After that, i showed Mr Vinod my second attempt of ebbok abnd he said the book cover (animation) is better, no need visuals for my navigration and add on the publihser at the book cover. Besides that, i showed Mr Vinod my addition animation and he said it is okay.

Week 13


For our general feedback, Mr Vinod told us to update our file and we have to print out our thumbnail and pass it up on next week. After Mr Vinod see my e-book, he said if can, i can loop the book cover. Not only that, Mr Vinod commented that the animation of the book is appearing faster whcih is good. For the imprint, he said my name could bold it and it doesn't need space. Besides that, Mr Vinod said that the typefaces and the rollover is good, the flight ticket is interesting. Mr Vinod also told me that he like the ideas of connection of the image in different pages. After that, Mr Vinod told me to update my eport folio.


Week 13


Typography, Referenced :A Comprehensive Visual Guide to the Language, History, and Practice of Typography

Book Cover

Author: Hally, Allan. 
Topic: William Caslon

William Caslon was well known in eighteenth-century Great Britian for designing typefaces that had crisp, upright characters. He was the first British type designer of any renown, responsible for ending British printers’ dependence on using imported Dutch and French typefaces that had dominated printing and publishing throughout the seventeenth century.

Caslon born in Worcestershire, England, and began his career as an engraver before becoming interested in punch cutting and type design in 1722. His first roman typeface, the Pica Roman (1725), was closely based on a Dutch typeface. His subsequent typefaces included Caslon English, Small Pica No. 1, Long Primer No. 2, and the celebrated Great Primer Roman. He was one of the first type designers to publish a specimen sheet illustrating almost the full range of his roman typefaces. 

Caslon’s typefaces marked the end of the Old Style or Garalde era and for more than 200 years and became the standard roman for most printers in Great Britain. William Caslon was undeniably the most important member of the Caslon family due to his contributions to typeface design, but the Caslon family continued in the type foundry business until 1938 as the Stephenson Blake & Co. Foundry. 

APA (American Psychological Assoc.)Haley, A. (2012). Typography, Referenced : A Comprehensive Visual Guide to the Language, History, and Practice of Typography. Beverly, MA: Rockport Publishers.


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