Illustration & Visual Narrative's Project I

27/08/18 - 10/09/18 (Week 01 - Week 3) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Illustration & Visual Narrative Project I INSTRUCTIONS PROJECT Vormator 27/08/18 - 10/09/18 Week 01 - Week 03 In this few week, we have to design a character by using Vormator elements. In this project, we are allowed to flip, rotate and duplicate the element. Not only that, we also can add, subtract, intersect and group elements as we can fit. Besides that, we also can use gradient and we can use our own colour schemes. But there are also something we are not allowed which are skewing, free transform, scaling without proportionally, use filter and effect in this project. After we designed our character, we have to laser cut it and also create a Pokemon card which have our character, character's power and so on. For this project, we not only have to design a character, we also have to designing a character who have their personality. So when audience saw it, they already can see what ...