Brand Corporate Identity's Exercise

30/08/2019 - 20/09/2019 (Week 01 - Week 04) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Brand Corporate Identity Exercise LECTURE NOTE LECTURE 01: BRIEFING Week 01 30/08/2019 Mr Haris gave us a brief introduction to the module and he told what we have to do for the next week which we have to explore a famous local brands and look for the brand identity. Week 02 06/09/2019 Mr Haris gave us a lecture and he briefed us about project 1. He told us what should a presentation look like and what should be in the presentation slides. Week 03 13/09/2019 Mr Haris gave us a lecture about different types of logo such as emblem, word-marks, letter-marks and so on. Week 04 20/09/2019 We got no class this week due to the haze. INSTRUCTION EXERCISES EXERCISE 01: UNDERSTANDING FOR LOGO Week 03 13/09/2019 In this week, Mr Haris gave us an small exercise which is about different type of logo (emblem. combination, word mark, letter m...