Publishing Design's Project I

27/08/2019 - 24/09/2019
(Week 01 - Week 05)
Fong Ee Xuan (0332842)
Publishing Design
Project I



Week 01  - Week 05

(27/08/2019 - 24/09/2019)

In this project, we directly start working on our Project 1 step by step. So our first step is to write 3000 words on any subject we chose or an existing topic that we could strongly relate and connect to. It has to be divided into 3 chapters as minimum which haven't include introduction. Here is my draft of the content :

First dratf of the content
Final attempt of book content

After we finish our content for our book, we have to start doing our visuals for the book which we already highlighted in the content. I love those kind of book that look old & simple and also at the same time, it is full of creative. So I online find for the visuals references.

Figure 1.0: References that from Pinterest 

Figure 1.1: References that from Pinterest 

Figure 1.2: References that from Pinterest 

After I see all the references that I found online, I decided to draw some simple illustration for my 16 visuals.

Figure 1.3: Some of the process that I did on Adobe Illustration

Figure 1.4: Some of the process that I did on Adobe Illustration

Figure 1.5: Some of the process that I did on Adobe Illustration

Figure 1.6: Some of the first attempt for visuals

After I showed it to Mr Vinod, I were suggested to add more detail for my visual analysis. I applied more detail and some I add the lighting and the shadow for it.

Figure 2.0 Final attempt of visual 01

Figure 2.1 Final attempt of visual 02

Figure 2.2 Final attempt of visual 03

Figure 2.3 Final attempt of visual 04

Figure 2.4 Final attempt of visual 05

Figure 2.5 Final attempt of visual 06

Figure 2.6 Final attempt of visual 07

Figure 2.7 Final attempt of visual 08

Figure 2.8 Final attempt of visual 09

Figure 2.9 Final attempt of visual 10

Figure 2.10 Final attempt of visual 11

Figure 2.11 Final attempt of visual 12

Figure 2.12 Final attempt of visual 13

Figure 2.13 Final attempt of visual 14

Figure 2.14 Final attempt of visual 15

Figure 2.15 Final attempt of visual 16

Embedded PDF of 16 Visuals


Week 03 


For the general feedback Mr Vinod told us to finish the visuals as soon as possible and not to wait until the deadline come. Not only that, Mr Vinod told us that visuals is very important because if the visuals is not interesting, our book also wont pop up and it will get bored. And for my specific feedback, Mr Vinod said my visual references are quite ok and I should start doing the visuals.

Week 04


For my specific feedback, Mr Vinod gave some comment about my visuals and he said maybe I can try to use monotone colour instead of the strong colour. Not only that, Mr Vinod asked me to work hard because i still got some much visual to go through.

Week 05


For the general feedback, Mr Vinod told us to find some better references for layout which have multiple pages instead of just focusing on one page references. Not only that, Mr Vinod want us to identify our fonts too. 

After Mr Vinod saw my 16 visuals, he gave some comment which is my some of my visuals are too flat and I need to add more details. Among all my visuals, Mr Vinod like the one with the ice cream and the flower.


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