Minor Project

14/04/2020 - 21/07/2020
(Week 01 - Week 14)
Fong Ee Xuan (0332842)
Minor Project



Week 01


We have to answer this two question:

1. Please describe what is Design Innovation based on the article "What is Design Innovation? by Alex Obenauer". Please cite some examples to elaborate your observations. (https://medium.com/newindustrialist/what-is-design-innovation-89fb307462ae)

Based on the article by Alex Obenauer, design innovation is certain product go through a design process that are stringent, empathetic and turn up to having an innovative concept or design that fully creative on the way to the user experience. There are some requires to innovating a product which is a great amount of taste, empathy, creativity and also different inputs or perspectives.

Here are some example of design innovation. First is Mail Pilot. There are a new type of email that allow the user to interact with their email and it seamless to they naturally wanted to think about it.   Based on Obenauer, those innovation was design innovation and it helped to close a record-breaking Kickstarter campaign. Another example are Coca-Cola Bottle. Based on Obenauer, he mentioned that the original Coca-Cola bottle was generic and it copied by many imitators. In order to let consumers know whether they're buying a Coke or a knockoff, Coca-Cola launched a new bottle design which inspired by the shape of a cocoa pod.

2. Please watch this documentary about Design Disruptors and write a short essay about what are Design Disruptors with cited examples. 

Design Disruptor is a documentary that made by InVision. They reveals a never-before-seen-point of view on the design. In this documentary, it highlighted a never-before-seen perspective on the design approaches of these companies such as Facebook, Google, Netflix and Pinterest, and how they overtaking billion dollar industries through design. Through the documentary, it can be know that they are paying more attention on user interface and user experiences because they love to create prototypes that allow other to test on it.

In the documentary, John Maeda, a design partner of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers said that the art is about making questions and the design is about making solutions. As a good designer, it design should be problem-solver and it should be a bridge that connected to the user in a simple manner. Not only that, "Art is about making questions, design is about making solutions", he also mentioned that design is not art and it is different from it. Everyone thought the design is just the good looking of the product and it is all about aesthetic but actually it is actually more than that. It is about giving a better user experience to user or clients.



Week 01 - Week 14
14/04/2020 - 21/07/2020

For minor project, we are corroborating with other schools of students which is computing students and our client will be WAYE - business students. After the first discussion with WAYE, we understand the brand objectives and background. We also understand that in marketing team in WAYE company are lacks of creative strategy and branding, failing to successfully consolidate a business proposition (idea) into a compelling brand. There are also issues in relation to brand identity such as lack of brand vision, brand values, and brand personality obscures the vision of the company. 

For us as the design teams, we have to establish a complete brand identity for WAYE, so that it can potentially attract consumers and have our brand stay in the consumers mind and also create branding strategy to introduce the app to the public.

After we discussed as team, we started to research on other delivery services in Malaysia to see their limitations. For WAYE, there are an issues about privacy and we have to solve it by asking our client. Besides that, we also started the creative brief which is the brand identity which is the brand personality, brand vision and mission, brand voice and so on. We also work on SWOT analysis which help us have a better understand on its strengths and weaknesses. 

Here are the research that we did for delivery services:

Here are the creative brief that we did:

After we done those and it approved by our client, we focus more on SWOT analysis for WAYE. We also have to find out how to overcome the problems with design. We started identifying the elements based on the colour scheme and aesthetic theme that given by the clients so the brand identity of WAYE can be established.

Here are the SWOT analysis that we did:

After we done those, we as design team divided into two team which is animation team and graphic team. Animation team will be Joanne and Jennifer and graphic team will be Yameen, Angeline and me. After we have consultation with Mr Mike, we did some changes on our creative brief based on the feedback and we edit the proposal slides as well. We also open up a Miro board to track our design journey week by week and we start considering the art direction of WAYE.

Here are the link for Miro board: Miroboard for WAYE

We as graphic team start out with the art direction such as logo, typography, colour and illustration and animation team start with their infographic. WAYE actually have their logo but we decided to change it because it may look quite unattractive to consumer and our client approved us to change it.

Figure 1.0: The previous logo

Figure 2.0: Working on Art direction in Miroboard

Figure 2.1: Working on Art direction in Miroboard

After we did our art direction, we come out with Customer Journey Map, we proposed it to our client.

Figure 3.0: Customer Journey Map

Here are the proposal slides:

After that, the animation teams started with the animatics and the graphic team with is us - Yameen started with the logo design, Angeline started with the social media post layout and I started with the envelope, business card and letter head. We were also told that we are handling UI design in this week, so I started with the UI icon and Yameen started with the design.

Figure 3.1: Updated Logo 

Figure 3.2: Social Media Post

Figure 3.2: Stationary 

Figure 3.3: Some of the UI Icon

Figure 3.4: UI Design (1)

Figure 3.5: UI Design (2)

After that we consulted with Mr Mike, we updated our customer journey map and finish our application. After things being accepted, we started with the mock ups and also we prepared our pitch deck presentation slides as well.

Updated customer journey map

Figure 4.0: Updated social media post design

Figure 4.1: The script that done by animation team - Jennifer & Joanna

Here are our pitch deck slide:


Week 01
14/04/2020 - 17/04/2020

When Mr Mike slightly briefed us about WAYE, I felt WAYE is interesting and have a feeling to have it to be our minor project. After my teammates and I got it as a project, I felt excited because I knew it might be something fun. However, it was quite disappointing after we met our clients and they explained further more about us, as a design team's work. This is because I thought we will be working on Apps design but it is actually more to promote WAYE and the brand identity and strategies.

Week 02
21/04/2020 - 24/04/2020

After we met our clients, it was quite disappointing as they explained further more about us, as a design team's work. This is because I thought we will be working on Apps design but it is actually more to promote WAYE and the brand identity and strategies. I felt that I could use the knowledge that I learnt from another module which is Brand Corporate Identity for this project.

Week 03
28/04/2020 - 01/05/2020

We started to work on the creative brief this week. My teammates and I did not really understand what creative brief is about since we are still having the module Creative Brand Strategy. So we decided to do some research and have discussions with each other to solve the problem together.Due to  our client not having a marketing team, it is quite hard for us to collect data for WAYE. However, my teammates and I will keep working together to solve the problem.

Week 04
05/05/2020 - 08/05/2020

After having the consultation with Mr Mike, my teammate and I have to make some changes  for the proposal. Mr Mike mentioned that our big ideas and our tagline sounds strong. Not only that, Mr Mike told us that our art direction that we plan to use has to connect with our tone & voice. For example, the typography has to show trust in a way, colour has to show the personality of WAYE which is “trustworthy, friendly and bold” and so on. Besides that, Mr Mike told us that the advertisements that we suggested  have to show it fit which stage of the user journey map.

Week 05
12/05/2020 - 15/05/2020

This week, we presented our art direction to our client. At first, our clients don’t really agree with our colour and they thought it is quite girlish. But after SOCIT tested the colour schemes that we provided in the UI they designed they did, clients were convinced with the results of it. Besides that, our clients think that our logo looks like a naruto's eyes and they want it to be simple and eyes-catching. For our illustration styles, they think it is quite unattractive for adults because they think the style that we choose is too cartoonish. Which means, we have to use real life photography for both ads and promotion. Our teammate had discussion right after the presentation and we decided to do some research online for further improvement. Due to some complications, we have to come up with UX design once we decide about the software we're gonna use. It is quite frustrating because it means that our work has been doubled and the design team is not familiar with Adobe XD. However, this is also a good opportunity to learn something new.

Week 06
19/05/2020 - 22/05/2020

Mr Mike informed us that SOCIT will continue joining which means we can focus on what we originally proposed. So the UX design would be completed by SOCIT and the design team will continue the branding part. We feel relieved because our work is being lightened now. In this week, we sent out the survey and it is to know more about what type of style rather real- life photography or illustrations will be attractive in the market. Besides that, we have finalised most of our art direction such as typography, illustration & photography style and the graphic elements. 

Week 07 
26/05/2020 - 29/05/2020

For the script of the infographic, Mr Mike approved it with the ideas but just with some changes on it. Besides that, the logo design is accepted as well and we just  have to wait for SOCIT’s feedback so that we can decide the final logo design for WAYE. Mr Mike also wants us to discuss the amount of the instagram story that we plan to design and also who to do it. To make it easier to track and divide the works, Mr Mike told us to create a gantt chart. So every time, we can use that to track the work flow.

Week 08 
02/06/2020 - 05/06/2020

We have to ask the computing side about their progression as to what they are submitting because we are not sure who is doing the UX. For UI, we as design teams should handle it since we have learned it and all the art direction is done by us. If UI is designed by SOCIT, it might be different from other applications. Mr Mike told us to work based on the gantt chart so that the work flow is according to the timeline. We as a team have an agreement on the work division so it makes work easier and we can finish it on time.

Week 09
09/06/2020 - 12/06/2020

We as the graphic team started with the application as the logos had been chosen by our clients. We come out with a low fidelity version of social media posts which are Instagram stories, Instagram posts and Facebook posts. Not only that, a set of stationery was created this week. Animation team also came out with character turnaround and they started illustrating the visuals by testing the key colours that were chosen. After we consulted with Mr Mike, he said that the colour of the animation has not much contrast compared to the social media posts. We can either change our social media posts to fit the infographic or the infographic uses real-life photography which increases the contrast and has some colour change. Another choice is to combine both real-life photography and illustration for both sides so it has the same style. In addition, Mr Mike suggested the animation team to make the character and the environment look more local so it matches malaysia. Mr Mike told us that we can start UI while SOCIT is doing UX and not wait until they finish the UX. We were told not to touch the UI in the first few weeks until the SOCIT team leaves. When SOCIT was back we didn’t know whether we should do UI or not and now we were expected to show the UI design which quie frustrated me. However, we have to start the UI and complete the main pages and landing pages. 

Week 10
16/06/2020 - 19/02/2020

This week, the graphic team started designing the UI icon, some UI design and social media posts and the animation team started illustrating those infographic scenes and animatics. Mr Mike gave some feedback to us which the animation team have to fix the timing and the animatics for now are too rough but the concept is there, he wish to see changes on next consultation. For the UX, we have to give SOCIT feedback about what we as design team think about it. Besides that, Mr Mike said the UI icon is under control just don’t take too long time on it and focus more on other applications such as social media posts. For the social media posts, Mr Mike said it doesn’t look contrast because of the colour and the colour make WAYE is a introvert brand which didn’t match the brand personality and voice. After some changes on social media, Mr Mike said it is better and we all vote for the style of it and the result is Variation 02 which with the bolder and the text are in white. Due to it being Week 10 and our client expecting us to show everything by next week because their pitch deck is on Week 12. After we discussed with Mr Mike about our client’s, the deadline has to follow our timeline and they only can take what we have give on Week 11. 

Week 11
23/06/2020 - 26/06/2020

This week, we have an agreement with SOCIT so we collaborated with them and we did UI together. Besides that, we as the graphic team continued to work on social media posts and influence marketing strategy. After the first consultation with Mr Mike, because we haven’t updated our customer journey map on presentation slides since last time we presented to the client, Mr Mike started to focus on the results that we want to achieve for those touch points that we mentioned on the customer journey map. Mr Mike said we should make the touch point linked to the business goals and for now it seems like we don't have a creative strategy and he worries about us. After some changes on the customer journey map, Mr Mike said the business goals are fine, but  the touch points for the “Experience” stage, real-time live stream is a product, it is not a media. Touch points is how we communicate with the customer. Mr Mike told us to put ourselves into client and customer perspective and treat them are blind to strategy and other things, so we have to show a lot of visual and user experiences to them. Besides that, for the influencer marketing, Mr Mike said we just showed WAYE and we didn’t show what is about WAYE and the influencer's followers will only know what WAYE is but not what is about WAYE such as their services. Mr Mike also told us that influencers are expensive and our clients didn’t know the cost, that’s why they want us to use influencer marketing as one of the marketing strategies and we have to tell them about it.  For now, we as the graphic team, have to consider how much design we need to do and how frequently we want it to post on social media. 

Week 12
30/06/2020 - 03/07/2020

After we as the design team discussed the social media posts, we came out with a timeline which has 6 weeks. Every week will have different posts and different topics. After we consulted with Mr Mike, he said the timeline is workable and constable as well. He also told us no to recycle the images for the social media post. The influencer will still be expensive so we need to specify which influencer we are targeting and who are their target audiences. To make it more nice, we can show the profile of the influencer that we found  in the presentation slides that we are going to show our client at the end of semester. For the customer journey map, Mr Mike told us to make sure the touch points reach the business goals when we show it to our client. Besides that, we just know that our clients change the colour for the UX to a darker colour in their pitch deck. We as the design team are afraid it will affect our side since we are doing everything in the same colour that we proposed to the client last time. After we discussed with Mr Mike, Mr Mike told us don’t bother about that and we just show what we have on the miroboard on Week 14 and used the colour that we chose not them. Mr Mike also told us that we as the graphic teams should started putting everything into slides since we are done with most of the works.

Week 13
07/07/2020 - 10/07/2020

We as the graphic team came out with mockup for social media posts which include Instagram posts, instagram story, Instagram ads, Facebook post and Facebook ads. Since we have done most of the work, we started with the presentation slides. We included the designs we have done into the slides. After we consulted with Mr Mike, he advised us that the presentation slides layout should be the same. We also have to enlarge our design as big as possible because we did it for a few weeks and it should be a priority. Besides that, we include the objective (the business goals for the touchpoints) at the corner of every slide so the client always remembers the reason. Besides, Mr Mike told us to updated our blog as well, if not next week will be heavy to us since we haven't update the blog for minor project and we have other modules due as well.

Week 14
14/07/2020 - 21/07/2020

After we consulted with Mr Mike, we as the design team showed the YouTube Ads and Mr Mike said it is good, the animation team didn’t need to change anything except for one screen which is the screen that wrote “Trust Us, We Got This.”. Besides that, our visuals have to show as big as possible and we have to state the purpose for each slide to remember our clients the reason for it. I personally feel very grateful that we had finished everything and now it just left the final presentation. Meanwhile, I feel nervous as well because we are going to present our artworks for WAYE to the lecturer and Doctor. After the presentation, I feel sorry for my teammates because I get disconnected so I am unable to present my part and my leader Jennifer has to cover my part. It is quite disappointing because I can’t present to the lecturer and doctor and my teammates have to cover me. However, Dr Sothee and Ms Yen Mei gave us some good feedback and overall everything is fine and good. Thanks to Mr Mike for giving us an opportunity to collaborate with the WAYE team and SOCIT. I am so grateful that I have Jennifer, Joanna, Yameen and Angeline as my teammates and we as the design team have the opportunity to design WAYE applications.


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