Visual Communication's Exercise

13/04/2020 - 27/06/2020
(Week 01 - Week 11)
Fong Ee Xuan (0332842)
Visual Communication



Week 01

Since I haven't add this module at this time, I didn't join the first week lecture. After I able to access this module in TIMEs, I checked what my lecturer which is Mr Edward do on week 01. In week 01, Mr Edward explained about our module through MIB and he explained how the class will go on, the attendance marking and the assessment. Not only that, he updated some video for us to understand the basic of Adobe Illustration. There got no tasks for the first week.

Week 02

Since I still haven't access the this module, so I unable to join the class in this week as well. After I able to access to it, I checked what Mr Edwards updated on facebook and TIMEs. Mr Edward updated few video and one task for us this week and we have to complete it by this Friday which is 24/04/2020.

Week 03
27/04/2020 - 29/04/2020

Mr Edward updated a video on YouTube and there are one task for us this week and we have to complete it by this Thursday which is 30/04/2020. On the tutorial day, Mr Edwards uploaded another Task for us which we have to trace a toaster out by using pen tools, gradient and so on.

Figure 2.0: Video that Mr Edwards uploaded on Youtube for Task 01

Figure 2.1: Video that Mr Edward uploaded on Youtube for Task 02

Week 04
04/05/2020 - 07/05/2020

Mr Edwards upload an image of wooden chairs and few video on YouTube for us to complete our task. In this week, Mr Edward taught us about create shadow by using blur tool. On the tutorial day, Mr Edwards upload a powerpoint and videos about "Principles of Graphic Design" for us to apply on our Project 1.

Figure 3.0: Video that Mr Edward upload on YouTube

Week 05

In this week, Mr Edward shared some assignment one artworks form previous semesters students in Youtube. 

Week 06

In this week, we don't have lecturer and we just sent our progressions for Project I to Mr Edward before we submit it.

Week 07
26/05/2020 - 29/04/2020

Mr Edward introduced us about Adobe InDesign which is Desktop Publishing. The software tools involve are Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop, the former is for designing layouts for magazine, newspaper, book etc and the latter is for image editing and designing.

On tutorial day, Mr Edward uploaded a video about Adobe InDesign text formatting. In the video, Mr Edward taught us about Justify alignment, Space before & after, First line left indent, Drop Cap no.of Lines, Tracking, Leading, Kerning and Baseline Shift.

Figure 4.0: Video that Mr Edward upload on YouTube

Week 08

This week, Mr Edward briefed us about our Project II and III. He also showed our some of the sample to lets us more understand.

Week 09

To make us more understandable for our project II, Mr Edward taught us on Adobe Photoshop Fundamentals, Image Text Effect, Image Shape Effects and Image Effects which help us on editing images, design a text mask image, make an image blend into an object shape and create cool image effects for our magazine. 

Figure 5.0: Video about Adobe Photoshop Fundamentals 

Figure 5.1: Video about Image Text Effects

Figure 5.2: Video about Image Effects

Week 10

This week, we have a progression check for our Project II before we submit it. Not only that, Mr Edward show us some sample of the magazine cover that done by past semester students to lets us understand more.

Week 11

We don't have any lecture on this week as we have a progression check on Project III. 


The Blend Effect & The Pen Tool

Week 02


Mr Edward updated a file and few video for us to complete our task this week. In the video, Mr Edward taught us the blend tools. Our task is to follow the photo that Mr Edward uploaded and export it to PDF file.

Figure 1.0 Images that Mr Edward uploaded

Figure 1.1 Following  Mr Edward

Figure 1.2: ScreenShot from Adobe Illustrator

Paperclips Vector Graphic

Week 03


Mr Edward updated a file and a video on Youtube for us to complete our task this week. Our task is to follow the photo that Mr Edward uploaded and export it to PDF file.

Figure 2.0: Images that uploaded by Mr Edward

Figure 2.1: My Process

Figure 2.2: Final Outcome

Vector Tracing Toaster


In this exercise, we have to trace the toaster out and add the shadow by using pen tools. To make it more realistic, Mr Edward taught us using gradient for the colour for some part.

Figure 2.3: Image that Mr Edward upload for us to trace

Figure 2.4: Process of tracing toaster

Figure 2.5: Process for using gradient

Figure 2.6: Final Outcome


Week 04


In this exercise, we have to trace a wooden chairs and also create a shadow for it. Mr Edward had uploaded an image of wooden chair for us to trace.

Figure 3.1: Image that Mr Edward uploaded

Figure 3.2: ScreenShot of my processes

Figure 3.3: Final Outcome


Week 06

Portfolio exercise is like an offline test that we can't ask Mr Edward questions on how to do it. The exercise can only be submitted one time. We have to download the sample in Times and we did exactly that same as the sample.

Figure 4.0: The sample that provided

Figure 4.1: Processes of doing it

Figure 4.2: Screenshot from Adobe Illustration

Figure 4.3: Here are the final outcome


Week 07

In this exercise, we have to create an A4 size layout and did something like Mr Edward show us on YouTube.

Figure 5.0: ScreenShot from Adobe InDesign

Figure 5.1: The final outcome 


Week 11

As the previous portfolio exercise, it only can be submitted one time. We have to download the sample in Times and we did exactly that same as the sample.

Figure 6.0: The sample that provided by Mr Edward

Figure 6.1: Image that we have to work on

Figure 6.2: Progresses that I work on Adobe Photoshop (1)

Figure 6.3: Progresses that I work on Adobe Photoshop (2)

Figure 6.4: Here are the final outcome


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