
Showing posts from June, 2020

Advanced Interactive Design's Project III

18/06/2020 - 23/07/2020 (Week 10 - Week 14) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Advanced Interactive Design Project III INSTRUCTION PROJECT III DESIGN, EXPLORATION AND APPLICATION Week 10 - Week 14 18/06/2020 -  In this project, we have to create an AR app for Taylor's Merchandise Shop and a microsite for the AR app. For this project, the tools that we need to use is Spark AR and Adobe Animation.  For the AR app, we only have to choose one of the merchandise or else we can design a completely new for it. The requirement for the AR app are having a "Fixed Target Tracker". For the microsite, it is something like guideline of the AR app. In the microsite, it will have the introduction of the AR app, objective of the AR app, "Where to download", "Steps to use" and so on. We only have to do few page of the microsite. After Mr Lun briefed us about this project, I search for Taylor's Merchandise Shop" and look for their merchandise. I realised the...

Digital & Social Media Communication's Project III

16/06/2020 - 30/06/2020 (Week 10 - Week 12) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Digital & Social Media Communication Project III INSTRUSCTION LECTURE Week 10 16/06/2020 This week, Mr Asrizal briefed us about our Project III which is the four lenses and he gave us a lecture on it to make us more understanding. Here are the presentation slide: Week 11 23/06/2020 We didn't have any lecture starting this week since the lecture is end. For this week, Mr Asrizal lets us ask his questions that we don't understand about our current project. Week 12 03/07/2020 Our clients briefed us our final project today. PROJECT III FOUR LENSES Week 10 - Week 12 16/06/2020 - 30/06/2020 For this project, we have to narrate the four lenses that assist data contextualisation and the four lenses are based on the 4Cs which "COMPANY", "CATEGORY", "CONSUMER" & "CULTURE". After we know what we have to do for this project, me and my partner - Angeline divided the...

Visual Communication's Project III

02/06/2020 - 27/06/2020 (Week 08 - Week 11) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Visual Communication Project III INSTRUCTION PROJECT III MAGAZINE COVER Week 08 - Week 11 02/06/2020 - 27/06/2020 For this project, we have to design a magazine cover. First, we have to establish a magazine which is our Project II then we have to design the magazine cover. For it, we have to establish a cover concept which is colour, font faces and design concept.  After Mr Edward briefed us about it, I started thinking of my magazine genre. After few hours, the magazine genre that I want to did is "Travel". After I decided my magazine genre, I started search articles on internet and I found few of it which I think is interesting. But in the end, I choose "Jordan's Dead Sea" as my project article.  Mr Edward show us the guideline of the magazine cover as well.  Here are the PDF file of the guideline: Figure 1.0: Articles that I found online After I de...

Visual Communication's Project II

02/06/2020 - 20/06/2020 (Week 08 - Week 10) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Visual Communication Project II INSTRUCTION PROJECT II MAGAZINE FEATURED ARTICLE Week 08 - Week 10 02/06/2020 -  For this project, we have to create a magazine featured article. We can find an article online or even on magazine. For this magazine, we have to establish the magazine as in we identity the magazine genre, target audience and reader's perception. After that, we have to featured the article layout by design the headline, establish the design grids, edit the images and layout the content. After Mr Edward briefed us about it, I started thinking of my magazine genre. After few hours, the magazine genre that I want to did is "Travel". After I decided my magazine genre, I started search articles on internet and I found few of it which I think is interesting. But in the end, I choose "Jordan's Dead Sea" as my project article.  Figure 1.0: Articles that I fou...

Creative Brand Strategy's Project III

27/05/2020 - 15/07/2020 (Week 07 - Week 14) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Creative Brand Strategy Project III INSTRUCTION LECTURE Week 07 27/05/2020 We don't have lecturer on this week because we are showing our Project 2(A). Week 08 03/06/2020 This week, Ms Hsin gave us a lecturer about "Printing Technique & Surface Finishing" and she also share some of her collection of printing stuff with us to lets us understand more. Besides that, we have an individual consultation with her to show our progression from last week. Week 09 10/06/2020 For this week, we don't have lecture as we just show our progression and Ms Hsin just briefed us about the timeline when we should get things done and what we should have done by next week. Week 10 17/06/2020 For this week, we don't have lecture as we show our progression to Ms Hsin. After that, we have a peer review in this week too. Here are the presentation slide for peer review: Week ...