Advanced Interactive Design's Project III
18/06/2020 - 23/07/2020 (Week 10 - Week 14) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Advanced Interactive Design Project III INSTRUCTION PROJECT III DESIGN, EXPLORATION AND APPLICATION Week 10 - Week 14 18/06/2020 - In this project, we have to create an AR app for Taylor's Merchandise Shop and a microsite for the AR app. For this project, the tools that we need to use is Spark AR and Adobe Animation. For the AR app, we only have to choose one of the merchandise or else we can design a completely new for it. The requirement for the AR app are having a "Fixed Target Tracker". For the microsite, it is something like guideline of the AR app. In the microsite, it will have the introduction of the AR app, objective of the AR app, "Where to download", "Steps to use" and so on. We only have to do few page of the microsite. After Mr Lun briefed us about this project, I search for Taylor's Merchandise Shop" and look for their merchandise. I realised the...