Information Design's Final Project
(Week 01 - Week 07)
Fong Ee Xuan (0332842)
Information Design
Final Projects
Animated Infographics: Compare and Contrast
Week 01 - Week 04
(08/01/19 - 28/01/19)
In these few weeks, my group members and I have to choose our topic for the animated graphics. Before we decided the final topic, we have to think about the question which is 5W1H. 5W1H are "What, where, why, when, who and how. So my group members and I have some ideas for the topic which are Pizza VS Cheese Naan, New York City VS London, Art VS Design, Bingsu VS Ice Kacang and more. After few discussion, we all decided to choose Bingsu VS Ice Kacang. This is is because we think that there are a lot of similar and difference between both of them.
Figure 1.0 : Pizza VS Cheese Naan
Figure 1.1: New York City VS London City
Figure 1.2: Bingsu VS Ice Kacang
After that, we have to prepare a presentation which is to present our chosen topic to our class mates and lecturer. After we presented our topic, we discussed about the script, questions and also the scenes.
Figure 1.3: Our Moodboard
Here is the link for our first presentation: Bingsu VS Ice Kacang
Here is the link for our script: Script of the Animated Infographic
Week 04 - Week 06
(07/02/19 - 15/02/19)
After we decided the script, one of our group member sketched it out and another doing the background audio. After that we make it into a rough sketch animatic and show it to our lecturers.
Here is the link for the sketch Animatic: Animatic
Week 06 - Week 07
(15/02/19 - 22/02/19)
We spilt the work which my group members Azmina working on the people and Ice Kacang, Rashah working on the Bingsu and audio part, Angeline working on the bus and money, Lungga working on the animation and I working on the Ice Kacang stall, Bingsu's restaurant, the street, rice bowl and some random buildings.
Figure 2.0: Photos that I used for references
Figure 2.1: Woking on the Ice Kacang's Stall
Figure 2.2: Final Outcome of Ice Kacang's Stall
Figure 2.3: Working on the Bingsu's Restaurant
Figure 2.4: Final Outcome of Bignsu's Restaurant
Figure 2.5: Working on the street
Figure 2.6: Final outcome of it
Figure 2.7: Working on the random street
Figure 2.8: Working on the street light
Figure 2.9: Final outcome of the street light
Figure 3.0: Adjusting the random buildings
Figure 3.1: Final Outcome of the random street
Figure 3.2: Working on the rice bowl
Figure 3.3: Final outcome of the rice bowl
After we finish our illustration, we uploaded it on google drive which easy our members to see it. Lungga, Azmina and Rashah start working on the animation after we all finish the illustrations.
Figure 3.4: All assets that are in Google Drive
Here is the link for the google drive: Assets
Here is the link for our final outcome: "Bingsu VS Ice Kacang"
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