Advanced Interactive Design's Project II
21/05/2020 - /06/2020 (Week 06 - Week 10) Fong Ee Xuan (0332842) Advanced Interactive Design Project II INSTRUCTION PROJECT II AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATION Week 05 - Week 10 28/05/2020 In this project, we supposedly to create an AR application for an online store. For example, an AR application for glasses, hats or others so that customers of the shop will use the AR application to try different options before making their purchases. But due to we are not 3D students, Mr Lun lower the requirement for us. In this project we are not limit to do online shop, we can do something else such as campaign, awareness, selfie/ fun filter, mask and of cause if we want, we still can do online shop. The new technical requirements that we need is Native UI option, background replacement and head/face tracker. For the topic/theme that I want to do is Selfie/fun filter. I inspired from the exercise that we did on Week 07....